Who we are


Our History

At the foot of the Bisalta Mountains, hidden by a lush chestnut grove, there is a real jewel of Cuneo hospitality, all to be discovered just a few kilometers from the city. In fact, the Sogno della Vita Resort was born in an old rooftop just above Peveragno dating back to the 1800s. Di proprietà della famiglia Grosso da generazioni, è stato ristrutturato con cura e attenzione ai materiali tipici delle nostre zone montane. La pietra e il legno ci riportano subito a una vita più semplice, ma senza farci rinunciare ai comfort moderni, essenziali per prendersi qualche giorno di meritato relax circondati dalla natura.

Indeed, from both the apartments and the rooms, it is possible to enjoy a splendid view of the surrounding forests, perhaps warmed by the wood stove or comfortably immersed in a hot tub.

Each room has its own special features, and every detail is taken care of to tell us a story, to reveal something about life “d’na volta,” which flowed slowly in our majestic mountains.

Surrounded by the magic of the mountains surrounded by a green forest, this traditional style farmhouse, elegant and comfortable, offers its guests a family atmosphere, ideal for a dream holiday of relaxation and nature.

The Bisalta protects our agritourism

This gently sloping mountain watches over Cuneo and its villages. It is so called because the name “bis-high” indicates the double slope, the two peaks that can be seen from Cuneo. There is a nice legend about why the two points…ask the owners of the farmhouse who will be happy to tell you about it!

Here and there

you will find many objects that are part of the peasant life of the past but still today our grandparents sometimes use. This decision stems from wanting to create a “thread” between the past and the present through the objects of our land’s traction.

The owners studied every little detail, trying to create a structure in complete harmony with the landscape, listening only to the feelings that arose from their own emotions for this place!

Recycled materials

The renovation was designed and made to reuse many reclaimed and local materials. Wood and stone are an integral part of our foothills area, which is why we wanted to create an environment as in tune as possible with our surroundings.

The ceiling beams

have been recovered from old houses, cleaned and restored. There are beams that are more than 300 years old!

The stones

are all native stones, recovered from the existing grandparent’s house and during excavation at the beginning of work.

The farm

The food products that you can enjoy at our Resort, are 100% km 0 because they come directly from our territory.

Our farm was established in the early 1800s and extends into the foothills area of Peveragno at the foot of the Bisalta Mountains. It was founded of the Grosso family, which with much hard work and humility managed to get through the years of the Great War and continue farming, especially by great-grandfather Agostino, Margherita’s father-in-law who is the current owner of the company.

Thanks to her passion for the land and the teachings passed down from generation to generation by the Grosso family, Margherita, has continued to cultivate and grow the farm with the help of her husband and the entire family, perpetuating to her daughter and grandchildren, the ability to respect the natural process of growing things.

We produce small fruits such as strawberries, blueberries and raspberries, vegetables that come from our garden, and in autumn tasty chestnuts that come from our chestnut forests.

Our forests and trees are cleaned and pruned regularly to ensure maximum yield and to get good firewood.

You can also meet our farm animals and our three horses, our great passion.

On our farm you can learn about responsible and natural farming through the advice and stories passed down from our family that we jealously guard.

The swimming pool

Nestled in a lush garden, our swimming pool equipped with lounge chairs is a perfect relaxing spot. It is open from June to September, and its use is included in the price of overnight stay.

Breakfast Room

Those who choose the B&B option can enjoy local products in our breakfast room, where handmade cakes and pastries and other fresh products will be served for both sweet and savory breakfasts. We also offer room service, for those who prefer to enjoy the first meal of the day while relaxing in their room.

Wellness area

Come and discover our wellness area, you will find at your disposal a sauna and a bath.
We will give you everything you need to enjoy the moment, on request you can combine the experience with a bottle of wine, a hot tea, fresh seasonal fruit or typical local tastings!
Contact us for more information, we will be happy to propose the best offer dedicated to you.

Clicca sui punti di interesse per scoprire le località vicine a noi

Clicca sui punti di interesse per scoprire le località vicine a noi
Torino Cuneo Limone Piemonte Prato nevoso Mondovì Savona e la Liguria Alba, le Langhe, il Monferrato e il Roero


Siamo a un'ora da Torino, città di cultura, arte e shopping. Qui potrete visitare famosi musei come il Museo Egizio, il Museo del Risorgimento e il cinema nella Mole Antonelliana. Qui potrete poi raggiungere la famosa Reggia di Venaria.


Cuneo e il suo centro storico, parchi, viali alberati, negozi e musei d'arte.

Limone Piemonte

Mezz'ora di macchina e si possono raggiungere anche le piste di Limone Piemonte, per sciatori esperti ma anche per principianti.

Prato nevoso

In 40 minuti raggiungerete le piste di Mondolè, dove 130 km di piste incorniciate dalle montagne renderanno il vostro soggiorno ricco di emozioni


Mondovi con la sua città storica, il Santuario di Vicoforte con la più grande cupola ellittica d'Europa, le terme di Lurisia e le grotte di Bossea.

Savona e la Liguria

Un'ora di macchina vi porterà al mare della Liguria e potrete visitare Savona con il suo caratteristico porto. Puoi mangiare piatti di pesce al mare e prendere il sole.

Alba, le Langhe, il Monferrato e il Roero

Un'ora di macchina vi porterà alle colline delle Langhe, Roero e Monferrato dove potrete gustare i migliori vini della regione.